--- By Xythar --- Dust Hill Music --- OK here it is - entitled 'Dust Hill Music' The music for Oil Ocean zone final is in the sound test for Sonic 2 Beta - which doesn't make much sense considering Oil Ocean Zone already has music. At least the other final musics in the sound test already have a zone. So this doesn't make much sense - unless the final OOZ music was for DUST HILL! Don't you think that the final OOZ music sounds remarkably suited to a deserty sort of environment? The first time I played OOZ in the final Sonic 2, I thought 'hey, that music sounds more suited to a desert..'. So anyway, they didn't want to waste the final OOZ music, they replaced the beta OOZ music with it (must not have liked the beta OOZ music) and relocated the beta OOZ music to Casino Night splitscreen (because they didn't want to waste it either). That's my theory, anyway. --- Taken from 'Secrets of Sonic the Hedgehog - The Original' http://secretsonic.cjb.net ---