--- By Sonicblur --- Wet Patch --- Weeee!! Here I go... After reading your story about Knux in Sonic 2, I just came up with a little Theory... I think there might be an unused patch in Sonic And Knux for Sonic 1 also.... If someome can look thought the game, or create their own patch, they may be able to trigger what may be left of Knuckles in Sonic 1. It's only a theorie, but it may work..... Someone should look to see if anything is left in the cart for this. I also have a theory about Dusty Hilly!! Teehee!! -- Dust Hill Theory: I think Dust Hill Zone was orginally intended to be the first zone in Sonic 2 instead of Emerald Hill. I think when dust hill was still in Sonic 2 it was finished. Then Emerald Hill was started and it did not have the buzz bomber. Reasons for this are, Emerald Hill Has a boss in Sonic 2 Beta. So did dust hill. Meaning Dust Hill was finished, and it's music might have been Emerald hill or Hill Top. To wrap things up, I think dust hill was complete in early betas of Sonic 2 before it was removed, and it was there before emerald hill. Some badnik(s) were added to emerald hill, and they decided they did'nt want to have them reused in Sonic 2, So they added it to Sonic CD because It fit better with the time travel plot. Then Later they totaly removed it from the games because of the buzz bombers ect and never brought it back. Have a nice day, baby-cakes!! --- Taken from 'Secrets of Sonic the Hedgehog - The Original' http://secretsonic.cjb.net ---