--- By Jarred Man --- Hidden Boredom --- Since I've heard people want more of my "Theory Bash" I've decided to include one more theory. This is very short, but it is a theory. Has anyone figured that the reason Hidden Palace was taken out of Sonic 2 because it isn't as exciting as the other boards? True, it is unfinished, but it seems a bit boring, and, though I know I will be killed for saying this, is it that good or is it something that is new to a series which has been played to exhaustion by most and therefore it is the last "new" board people will see? This is why it was taken out: It simply wasn't that good. If you hadn't played Sonic the Hedgehog 2 before you played the beta version, would you agree Sega made a good choice in axing the hidden palace? I think so. [Note: SoStH] --- Taken from 'Secrets of Sonic the Hedgehog - The Original' http://secretsonic.cjb.net ---