pages are deticated to one of the first main Secrets of Sonic
pages, suprisingly named "Secrets of Sonic the Hedgehog",
or SoStH. It was originally maintained by André Dirk, a
laid back Western Australian who liked to confuse and irritate
the easily confused and irritable. Unlike Simon Wai, creator of
the "Sonic 2 Beta page" who found the Sonic 2 BETA ROM,
Andre was the first to show new, in-game pictures of the game
through his 'friend's copy' of Sonic 2 Beta. Using a camera back
in 1998, Andre took pictures of Hidden Palace Zone, and Wood Zone,
as well as pictures of Casino Night Zone.
Microsoft Publisher, Andre created the website to show to the
world. He would also go on to sell his copies of Sonic 2 Beta
for a fair wad of cash.
SoStH" - June 29th 1999 - This is a very old version
of the webpage, the version which has camera images of Sonic 2
Beta, as well as a lot of older pictures from the time. It's very
interesting to read. Ignore the front page, it was a backup at
the time because Andre was caught in some hacking scam, which
was later proved to be false and was free to continue his page.
- April 20th 2001 - Later in life Andre gave up on SoStH,
this was when Sonic Area 51 and Sonic Cult were suurfacing as
big informants on Secrets in Sonic games. "Knuckles the Echidna"
took over, but unfortunately didn't do much with the website,
and ended up leaving it in capsule mode.